Sunday, October 26, 2008


There he stood and there i stood,watching him in all his grace ,on that cold autumn day.He was a boy every girl would die to have ! Just for his smile ,they wouldn't mind crying all their lives!He knew this ,and felt very special and proud in a way ,but then it stood like a wall preventing him to talk to any girl as a friend ,like a curse ,it would make even the most sensible girl smile and giggle at the sound of his words and act a bit stupid ! Even as he walked past ,all the girls who got a chance to see him would cover their mouths to hide their smiles and silent happiness at having got a chance to see him!
But he was lonely and knew it ! Its not that he didn't have friends ,but they didn't understand him the way he wanted them to !He knew in his heart that the only girl who would talk to him,without a giggle would be the one who would understand him and would be the one girl he would be spending the rest of his life with !Beacuse to him ,love meant understanding and understanding LOVE!
And as the cold autumn wind ,blew silently past us ,and as i watched him stare up at the dark grey sky , I felt it whisper his name and my heart skipped a beat! He looked down slowly and turned his head towards me,suddenly noticing that i was standing there ! My heart somersaulted and yet i remained perfectly calm ! He came up to me and smiled and asked whether I was in his class.I replied with a node and not with a stupid smile or giggle that he usually used to get,even as my ears turned red !!...............................

I always used to feel that I was an outcast ,and could never relate to the world because i was a bit different and did things a bit differently ! People also used to make fun of me and I also thought that i was ugly as no one special would notice me or want to talk to me !I was definitely not your average ,popular ,pretty ,bitchy girl with great friends !because like that boy even i didn't have someone who understood me !!But I'm glad to be "me" because otherwise i wouldn't have found my best friend and the greatest love of my life ,who has warmed up life so much since that cold autumn day!!

This was a story i wrote when i was 14 !

1 comment:

Arul said...

Great going and that too at the age of 14..great command of the language and nice flow of words..looking forward to the next story..chill man