Thursday, November 6, 2008


life's a struggle ,
and isn't that so true,
destiny's a prophecy;
our fate is in our hands!
our choices define us ,
our virtues continuously are put to test!
our goal is our dream ,
the ultimate quest,
each turn we take makes us spin;
testing us from within,
our soul is constantly up for sale!
through the journey we take,
decisions are double tested ,
spirits are cross fired ,
truth is a dutch!
fighting is a must to survive,
to strive , to perform,
to touch the sky !
relationships r tested ,
failed and strained ,
heaven's overrated,
hell's the present state,
stars spill guiding in different colours!
days breeze by and its up to us to discover,
our true calling !
our definition ,
our meaning!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


There he stood and there i stood,watching him in all his grace ,on that cold autumn day.He was a boy every girl would die to have ! Just for his smile ,they wouldn't mind crying all their lives!He knew this ,and felt very special and proud in a way ,but then it stood like a wall preventing him to talk to any girl as a friend ,like a curse ,it would make even the most sensible girl smile and giggle at the sound of his words and act a bit stupid ! Even as he walked past ,all the girls who got a chance to see him would cover their mouths to hide their smiles and silent happiness at having got a chance to see him!
But he was lonely and knew it ! Its not that he didn't have friends ,but they didn't understand him the way he wanted them to !He knew in his heart that the only girl who would talk to him,without a giggle would be the one who would understand him and would be the one girl he would be spending the rest of his life with !Beacuse to him ,love meant understanding and understanding LOVE!
And as the cold autumn wind ,blew silently past us ,and as i watched him stare up at the dark grey sky , I felt it whisper his name and my heart skipped a beat! He looked down slowly and turned his head towards me,suddenly noticing that i was standing there ! My heart somersaulted and yet i remained perfectly calm ! He came up to me and smiled and asked whether I was in his class.I replied with a node and not with a stupid smile or giggle that he usually used to get,even as my ears turned red !!...............................

I always used to feel that I was an outcast ,and could never relate to the world because i was a bit different and did things a bit differently ! People also used to make fun of me and I also thought that i was ugly as no one special would notice me or want to talk to me !I was definitely not your average ,popular ,pretty ,bitchy girl with great friends !because like that boy even i didn't have someone who understood me !!But I'm glad to be "me" because otherwise i wouldn't have found my best friend and the greatest love of my life ,who has warmed up life so much since that cold autumn day!!

This was a story i wrote when i was 14 !

Friday, October 24, 2008

"skippers note"

as i go through the pages of my life,
i realize how much i have changed and yet haven't !
how much has changed and yet hasn't ;
what was once thought of and has never become ,
and what was never expected and yet has become,
that's life they would say in short!
an endless sea filled with unimaginable monsters ,
making u think wheatherthe devil would really have had been better!
coz at least he would have been one.
but then again he could have also been many in one;
fight we must ,for to survive that is our only means,
but on whom to draw the sword against well that's a task,
deception at each turn,
the truth often untold,
withheld in my many layers and folds
tactics put to test!
the mind never at rest!!
chaos and confusion around the clock.
the voyage begins my mates;
so grab on to whatever you have,
hold if tight for that's all you have ,
to keep to be alive
against this cold dark endless night,
and believe in nothing but yourself!!
for that's your Trump card against all this unrest that surrounds you!!
for you only hold the key to your destiny,something we take for granted
but oh so true~!
and thus as i realize n write this upon a brand new page.
the lessons i have learned rewinding and flashing in my mind,
each special for it made me learn to live and to breathe,
and most importantly to be me!~though some made me fall through whirlpools of madness,
making me crash against the rocky shores of unknown lands
and making me ride high and low on endless tides which were and unpleasant surprise !
stranded i was on many a barren land,
making me test my will and want to survive
to fulfill my many endless dreams,
i let the stars i saw guide me through even through their most dullest light!
they took form and showed me ,not necessarily the path i wanted ,but my choices and how
every tiny thing most certainly has its price!
how thrills are enticing and yet blinding
and how one should learn to always follow the heart!
how simpleness makes you realize paradise
how beauty can be blinding and is withering,
we must catch what we get ! never complain and move ahead!
how the past is better left buried and future like an unpredictable school of fish
the present forever waiting for us to see!
jewels are most certainly present but buried deep ,
so if u want them u better get ready to take the deep ,long ,choking plunge
and unravel the mysteries of the sea , for now you have become a part of it
ignorance might mean bliss to the fool who thinks so !
look in to yourself and you will know~ !
learn to see with eyes different
that is how you shall gain your vantage,
and know your purpose!
and so my novice traveller decipher what i have said,
for these worlds are as priceless as the good north winds blowing at the right time to guide you ,through smooth and easy to your destination,
in this Bermuda triangle called life! !!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


dust of the night,
sands of the storm,
lights of the melody that lingers on
of days untold of ,
Sky's untouched ,
whispering through,
of serpents twisting, guiding paths a mile!
of sorrows waiting in the corner,
destiny's cruel web spins ,
upon the innocent traveller!
caught , the sphinx of death does come,
riddling away in the dark;
the answer untold in the true heart,
pace forward or back !
bones ignite ,
time looses its track,
the journey untold and yet said,
the destination a mind set!
come one,come all to this ,
unravelling circus,
find your seat ,
and cheer your favorite
as one's loss is an other's gain
pain lingering all the same !
chose your prize
for once chosen
you cannot go back
winds shimmer ,
the day's ablaze
and at your mercy to erase
intuition or the future unravelled
its up to you
to unscramble!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


this is just a take on life by me!

life isn't how to survive the storm but how to dance in the rain!
isn't that so true.Often whilst living we forget the essence of what "life" truly is! we get so caught up in things that we forget to be "happy " in its true sense and not in the sense that we attach it to various materialistic things ,which be bustle our asses over to get! I'm often surprised how sometimes we dedicate ourselves to a goal so large which we wish to achieve that we ultimately r left with the goal itself and cut the various strings which entangle us and actually hold us in balance in this deep, dark world ! We cut our strings all the way till the only one left is "our ultimate goal" , and thus , we live life in a "do or die " situation where , achieving perfection is not an option but a wanted requirement to survive! Yes, i know people will say that this is ultimately what life is, was and will be ! and although every person starts from the same mark , only a handful are able to go all the way through and say that they have won in this giant rat race ! and thus we have "achievers" , whom the world knows !
But what i personally want to know is , during our run we forget that goals are to motivate to make us want to reach our own inner depths to touch our own souls and question our own existence in the way in which , will make us want to live life to the fullest! To experience feelings such as "happiness",not with the sense of achievement but with the sense of "gratitude" to know that a thing called "destiny" most surely exists but that doesn't mean we must give up, for "hope and faith" do most certainly prevail! That laughter comes from within and that we are our own masters who make our own rules to live by ,irrespective of cast,family,creed or religion! I know i sound like an overoptimistic fool! and i don't give a damn about it! for i know that as i say this I'm actually unraveling some of the mystery that surrounds my life , my existence! that I'm taking a stand for something i believe in ,something that i have concluded and said ,something which i didn't find in some well written book ,and take someone else 's words and make my own! Something that as i say ,for the few times in which ever possible , my body mind and soul are one and agree! and so i decide from today that , no matter what I'm gonna survive the storm and dance even more in the rain!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


The day we met,
wasn't it so different ,
wasn't it so unreal ,
wasn't it something out of the latest best selling novel;
how time flew and suddenly how close i became to you,
i just don't know !
we stared off as friends and look where we are now,
it was ;something we planned and yet didn't plan on doing,
something we always wanted but never planned on it being this way,
something we wanted so desperately to say,
and yet never planned on saying !
we both knew how each of us felt a certain particular way,
and yet we danced around that simple fact,
never wanting to admit it because it would take the suspense away!
take away the suspense,
to the story we were playing without knowing,
and so we signed a secret pact ,
about the relationship we shared,
made each other burn ,
all daytill our ears turned red!
and how we used to talk nonchalantly about the way,
we were sharing someone Else's company,
when really we wanted to be alone and stay,
and how we would tease and smile away at our ways,
to be together and even then try to be apart,
just because we enjoyed the game that we played!
and how it seemed so wonderful that we could read each others thoughts,
be there when we wanted the other's company,and never having to say a word,
how we loved the way it felt to hear each other out,
and how happy and bright the world suddenly seemed,
ya ,
ours was not one of those great historical,
perfect love stories,
but was something ,
sassy,fun,out of the blue,
and yet so utterly true,
and i just hope u know ,
that even though i drive u mad ,
and enjoy myself in the process,
my life wouldn't be complete without you!
and i wouldn't be smiling all day through!

This is a poem based on my friend's "love story"

Friday, August 8, 2008

When you came into my life!

"When you came into my life"
When we met i barely knew you,
U came so quietly into my life ,it never took me by surprise!
i wish it would have , becoz then i could add more minutes to clock of love that ticks in my heart for you!
when you came into my life ,
i found out what losing yourself to some1 truly meant!
Each day that i did speak to u , i started missing you even more! for the time i spent with u couldn't compare to anything ,anything that i did know,until the day i met you!
when you came into my life,
Call it coincidence or my shear luck , that we were together and didn't even know it ! actually ,I'm glad we didn't meet be4 , i would have taken away the mystery that surrounded the beginning of our story !
when you came into my life,
Each day that i know u , i fall for u even more!
U are my music , my tune , my symphony that keeps me alive and kicking each day!
that keeps me wanting to do more !
More with my life ,more with my time! U drive me to be the best i can ,
and i hope you know it!
If my music were to ever have a form, it would take you!
No I'm not exaggerating ,I'm just telling you the truth!
There's noting about you that i don't like!
Ur eyes Ur smile , everything ,u just bright up my life!
You nature and grace are beyond compare!
Words fail me when i think about u,
becoz i don't think even the prettiest of words ,would ever be able to describe you ,
maybe just maybe a few ! but ,they wouldn't give u full justice!
when u came into my life,
I've lost track of everything ,except the way it feels when I'm around you!
The warmth you have brought into my life is magical!
In every fairly tail its the princess who waits for her prince to come and save her,but in this version ,its you who have saved me,you who have heard my silent cries,something i thought i was very good at hiding! and have come and saved me ! not necessarily from danger,but from the task of finding myself a perfect match!
when you came into my life,
the days seems brighter and the nights beautiful and mystic!
everyday seems more refreshing than exhausting ,
coz it means a day has passed with me being with you ,
with me thinking about you, and a new day lies ahead ,
and I'm still gonna be with you!
when you came into my life,
I've realized that i can smile the whole day and never get tired,
and all it takes ,is me picturing u for A fraction of a second !
that i can think about you for hours and never get tired!
That fatigue doesn't exist ,the moment i think of u!
when you came into my life,
I've realized what it means to spend time with some1
to know them and like them for what they truly are !
to draw strenght from a bond that exists between only two people in the entire universe !
to know what its like to float in the air,even when Ur feet are still on the ground!
And love every bit of that feeling!
Yes this is what being with you has done to me!
for even when we do fight , i can't remain angry with you for more than a few seconds,
Believe me I've tried! I hate how much i love you so! for this is what has ,happened to me !!I've become a love stoned fool and am proud to be it ,
Ever since you've come into my life!

this is based upon my friends love story ;)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

life as i know it!

lights in heaven
show me the way,
guide me through!
through the darkness that surrounds me ,
show me y i must endure,
help me make the right choice,
or atleast tell me that i have chosen right,
for i don know
for i don know how to live anymore
how to survive ,
and how to make peace,
with my past,
and go forward,
for my belief has been tested ,
my confidence stolen,
and thus i am undone!
left to pick up the pieces of what still remains
and join them to create something new
and so i pray,
i pray to you,
to tell me that
the past remains the past
the future untold and uncertain
and that what remains
is the present
to live!
to love and to laugh!
to believe to endure to discover!
to fight ,to experience!
and thus move on
and recover!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"counting the stars"

i'm counting the stars
i'm counting the stars just for you,
just for you
coz i know this is the only way ,
i can convince my self that the time i spend away from you is small ,
is less,
no i don't want to look at the clock ,
the seconds that pass ,
seem too long and drive me mad ,
becoz they remind me that ,
ur away from me ,
and that time is being wasted ,
by me not being near you!
but,when i look up, at the huge dark sky ,
our being apart seems ,
small , insignificant , as if overshadowed ,by the vast expanse
of black filled with bright specks of light twinkling away,
reminding me ,
that no matter how dark it seems ,
there is always hope,
always faith and most importantly beauty ,
in this world!
the world in which we live,
which turns everysecond that we breathe
the same world that keeps us apart ,
yet together ,away yet near!
which feels so cruel to live in ,
but then again shows us the most important thing in the
universe called "love"!
when i count the stars,
i feel while lookin up at the night sky ,
feeling the wind blowing past me ,
whispering ur name ,
tellin me that after every dark night,
a bright new day does come ,
no matter what ,
even if there's thunder or rain ,
storm or lightning ,
a new day does come!
and teaches me about our relationship
and then i know that everything will be allright!
that we will meet , that we will be together forever!
but for that day to come ,
i must wait ,
and wait i shall ,
for even if we meet for a few seconds ,
just to see you ,just to be with you
would be worth it!
and thats why ,
i'm counting stars ,
i'm counting stars just for you!